Thursday, February 27, 2014

Aurora Turns Seven!!!

We had so much fun celebrating Aurora's 7th birthday. We had a family dinner and opened some presents followed by cake and a piñata.

Lydia and I  made a banner and hung snowflakes from the ceiling for the FROZEN theme. Aurora ended up taking a much needed nap before the festivities.

Piñata's are always a hit!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Best Laundry Soap Ever!

I love making my own laundry soap. Lately I've found myself wanting to try a new recipe so after a few trial and error recipes I have finally found the one that I love, and the best part is you only need 2 tablespoons per load.

I found all of this in the laundry section at Walmart.

You will need:
1- 3lb box of washing soda -  $ 3.24
1- 3lb box of baking soda - $ 2.24
1- 4lb box of Borax - $ 3.97
1- 3lb tub of oxi-clean - $ 7.52
2- bars of Zote or Fels-Naptha soap - $ 1.94
2- bottles of Purex Crystals - $ 7.94

Grand total: $ 26.87 for 20 lbs of laundry soap

 You will need to grate the soap. I used my Kitchen Aid grating attachment. Then pour in half do everything into a 5lb bucket and mix with a large mixing spoon. Pour the rest of the ingredients in and stir again.


It should look like this when it's all mixed together


You can scoop some back into the Purex Crystals bottles and if you pour it to the second line on the lid it equals exactly 2 Tablespoons.


 After filling these two bottles I still have half of the bucket left. This will last forever!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

20 Questions

Aurora Janell Isabelle Parker

February 23, 2014

20 Questions

1. What is your favorite color? Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? My Little Pony
3. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries
4. Favorite T.V Show? Ellen
5. Favorite thing to eat for lunch? Chick-fil-a
6. Favorite piece of clothing? My Little Pony shirt
7. Favorite game? UNO
8. Favorite snack? Mozzarella cheese sticks
9. Favorite animal? Zebra
10. Favorite song? Let It Go
11. Favorite Book? Skippy Jon Jones and the Big Bones
12. Best Friend/s/? Casey, Bella, Gabby
13. Favorite Cereal? Cinnamon Life
14. Favorite thing to do outside? Swimming
15. Favorite Drink? Vanilla Bean blended cream from Starbucks
16. Favorite Holiday? Her birthday
17. What does she take to bed with her? Her stuffed dog, Elvira that she got from her Grandma Foti
18. Favorite Breakfast? French Toast or Scrambled Eggs
19. Favorite place to visit? Disneyland
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Mommy

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hayden is 11!!!

Happy 11th Birthday Hayden Andrew!

I cannot believe that it has been 11 years since our sweet Hayden Andrew joined our family. We miss  so much that it hurts. We always send him balloons with messages, one balloon for every year old he is. We can't wait to be with him again.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Three Generations

Lately, I find myself missing these two women everyday. I remember when this picture was taken I thought it was really stupid to be taking a pictures with my Aunt and Grandma but now I am so very glad that I have it to remember these AMAZING women and how much they mean to me.

They helped my Mother raise me and have greatly influenced to woman I have become. Those who knew my Grandma and Aunt will remember that they had little to no tact and always said what she thought, they would do anything for those they loved and had a deep love/hate relationship with Carbohydrates. I am constantly having to remind myself to think before I speak but then I think of them and it makes me happy to be so much like them.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tap, Tap, Tap.......

In honor of our 12th Anniversary here's a breakdown of our twelve years together.

12 - Years of Marriage
11 - Trip's to Utah to visit Family
10 - Years we've lived in San Diego
9 - Pets we have had/have
8 - Years working for Kaiser
7 - Days a week that we are grateful for each other
6 - Months between our first date and our wedding
5 - AMAZING Children
4 - Different homes we have lived in
3 - Years we've been Homeschooling
2 - States we have lived in / Children in Heaven
1 - One happy couple