Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Kids On The Block

Guess what? I'm going to the NKOTB concert!!!!! My friend Yosha bought tickets and so on the 25th I will be at Cox Arena screaming and acting like a teenage girl at a Jonas Brother's Concert. I LOVE NKOTB! I pulled out an old VHS Tape of a concert that my friends and I used to watch over and over again. We memorized all the words to all the songs and the dances that go with them. We would clear out all the furniture in my living room and dance along with them. It was truly a school girl crush, we would pretend that we were their girlfriends. Pathetic, I know. I wish I still had some of my old NKOTB stuff to wear to the concert. Oh well. This will be my very first concert ever! Here are some pictures of my all-time favorite boy-band!

I remember then doing this dance. What's sad is that I still know it.

Jonathan, Donnie, Jordan, Danny & Joey
Can you say GORGEOUS!!!

Joey, is my favorite!!!

Tomorrow I will post pictures of what I will be buying at the concert.

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